OmniOS is a greate operating system. Illumos based (like nexentastor 😉 ) and free.
ZFS and KVM inside and easy to use. But how should i use it?
In my case OmniOS is my SDS OS for my ESXi Enviroment 😉
OmniOS is a greate operating system. Illumos based (like nexentastor 😉 ) and free.
ZFS and KVM inside and easy to use. But how should i use it?
In my case OmniOS is my SDS OS for my ESXi Enviroment 😉
Nach einigen Problemen mit der ZFS Pool Performance habe ich paar NFS Werte verändert … und schon fühlt dich der Pool nicht mehr so langsam an:
root@Napp:~# sharectl get nfs servers=512 lockd_listen_backlog=256 lockd_servers=256 lockd_retransmit_timeout=5 grace_period=90 server_versmin=2 server_versmax=3 client_versmin=2 client_versmax=3 server_delegation=on nfsmapid_domain= max_connections=-1 protocol=ALL listen_backlog=32 device=
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