Ok, enough is enough! Enough cake, enough Binge Watching, enough boardgames and old shool gaming (have you seen remastered versions of our childhood games? 😮🤩) …
More templates: We updated JoomLavel/documentation and we are proud to announce that more templates for JoomLavel/connect will be published on github.com/JoomLavel/templates soon. Templates enhance JoomLavel/connect functionality and are nearly finished.
Laravel Joomla DB Integration: Finally we are about to publish JoomLavel/JoomaDbLink. This component of the JoomLavel platform allows to integrate Joomla Database with Lumen or Laravel in an easy intuitiv way (eloquent).
JL/JoomlaAdapter rapidly connect Laravel to Joomla DB
JL/JoomlaDbLink rapidly connect Laravel to Joomla DB
<SETTINGS> connect api adapter with adapter component
<SETTINGS> connect component with remote laravel api
<SETTINGS> sync .env with configuration.php
<SETTINGS> connect component with remote OpenAPI definied endpoint
<DEV> enchance both adapter with custom code
<DEV> enchance laravel with custom code
<DEV> develope representation by custom code
Use Cases for JoomLavel platform
Every step in the integration process is done with RAD tools for rapid developement. A complete integration of Joomla and Laravel can be done in some minutes. Feel free to contact us if you want to know more.
In the last 2 years we have worked in complicated Joomla CMS project. The project has grown and we hit joomla limitations.
How to leave a vendor-lockin and joomla limitations? A REST API might be the solution. The Separation_of_concerns principle describes a seperation of a computer program in distinct sections.
JoomLavel allows you to use a modern laravel API backend in combination with your own joomla application. You can easily add functionalities in the laravel api to enchance joomla functionalities without changing the joomla framework code or joomla components or plugins.
Natürlich mögen wir Vagrant Homestead oder eine schöne Docker Instance, vieleicht auch eine VM oder einen Rootserver.
Laragon hat trotzdem seine Vorteile, Es ist eine „Turnkey“-Solution und das erleichtert das Deployment immens.
Ich brauche schnell eine lokale Joomla Instanz um ein Plugin oder eine Componente zu testen? Ist das WordPress Backup lauffähig? Dann schnell mal ein lokales WP aufsetzen. Ich will entwickeln und brauche eine Lumen oder Laravel basis.
Laragon – Schnell lokale Webseite erstellen
Die einzelnen „Muster“ für das automatische Deployment werden über die „Konfiguration“ eingestellt.