it solutions for special requirements

Schlagwort: configuration.php

JoomLavel Use Cases

Ok, JoomLavel, allows to integrate Laravel and Joomla but, how does this work? Here are four use cases how to integrate them together.

completeheavy on Joomlaheavy on LaravelOpenAPI
rapidly generate Joomla
rapidly generate Joomla
rapidly generate Joomla
rapidly connect Laravel
to Joomla DB
rapidly connect Laravel
to Joomla DB
connect api adapter with
adapter component
connect component with
remote laravel api
sync .env with
connect component with
remote OpenAPI definied
enchance both adapter
with custom code
enchance laravel
with custom code
develope representation
by custom code
Use Cases for JoomLavel platform

Every step in the integration process is done with RAD tools for rapid developement. A complete integration of Joomla and Laravel can be done in some minutes. Feel free to contact us if you want to know more.

More info on: or join us in github/joomlavel

make configuration.php beautiful

Joomla has a quite ugly configuration file. configuration.php is cluttered and sorted i a very strange way?

class JConfig {
	public $offline = '1';
	public $offline_message = 'Wartungsmodus';
	public $display_offline_message = '1';
	public $offline_image = '';
	public $sitename = 'joomlavel-joomla-dev';
	public $editor = 'tinymce';
	public $captcha = '0';
	public $list_limit = '20';
	public $access = '1';
	public $debug = '0';
	public $feed_email = 'none';
	public $log_path = '/logs';
	public $tmp_path = '/tmp';
	public $lifetime = '15';
	public $session_handler = 'database';
	public $shared_session = '0';

I really like and its twelve-factor app approach. configuration recommendation is to seperate config in a way that they are language- and OS-agnostic. But how to do this? Here is our approach:

    public function __construct(){
		if (file_exists(SELF::JoomLavelApiDirectory.'.env')) {
			$env = parse_ini_file (SELF::JoomLavelApiDirectory.'.env',false, INI_SCANNER_RAW);
			$this->sitename = $env['APP_NAME'];
			$this->debug = (int)filter_var($env['APP_DEBUG'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);;
			$this->live_site = $env['APP_URL'];
			$this->dbtype = $env['DB_CONNECTION'].'i';
			$this->host = $env['DB_HOST'];
			$this->db = $env['DB_DATABASE'];
			$this->user = $env['DB_USERNAME'];
			$this->password = $env['DB_PASSWORD'];
			$this->mailfrom = $env['MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS'];
			$this->fromname = $env['MAIL_FROM_NAME'];
			$this->smtpport = $env['MAIL_PORT'];
			$this->smtphost = $env['MAIL_HOST'];
			$this->smtpuser = $env['MAIL_USERNAME'];
			$this->smtppass = $env['MAIL_PASSWORD'];	

The configuration.php could also be seperated in blocks:

	public $live_site = '';
	public $sitename = "joomla";
	public $dbtype = 'mysqli';
	public $host = 'localhost';
	public $user = 'groot';
	public $password = '';
	public $db = 'joomlavel-dev';
	public $dbprefix = 'f862e_';
	public $session_handler = 'database';
	public $shared_session = '0';
	public $lifetime = '15';

You can see the files in our Github::JoomLavel project.

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